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EZ Bike


Patents   ●Arm Supporter of Bicycle (KOREA, UNITED STATES, CHINA, JAPAN, TAIWAN Patent)●Safety Bicycle Road Construction Method Structure Thereof In Drive Way  (KOREA Patent)●Prevention Apparatus For Falling of Bike   (KOREA Patent,being processed in the CHINA)   Recognition   ●KOREA invention Promotion Associataion 2010●KOREA INVENTION PATENT EXHIBITION 2011 (BRONZE PRIZE)●KOREA INVENTION PATENT EXHIBITION 2012 (BRONZE PRIZE)


Company Profile

EZ Bike

  • Business Type -
  • Year Established -
  • Location South Korea
  • Main Markets -
  • Total Employees 0 People
  • Homepage -

Category Product

EZ Bike
  • Location South Korea
  • Telephone +82-10-2486-2388
  • Homepage -